Earn Your Certificate in Plant-based Nutrition

For the past 5 years, I’ve been flirting with a full transition to a plant-based diet, but I never felt like I could get it quite right. With the overwhelming amount of highly processed vegan food on the market, it’s no wonder that many of us tend to think we can never achieve healthy plant-based living. I am here to give you an invaluable tool to set you up for success.

The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies has an excellent, well-paced plantbased nutrition course that can easily fit into a busy schedule. The course is chock full of evidence based science and studies that detail the benefits of a plantbased diet and the detriment of eating animal products. In 6 weeks, I had the tools and confidence needed to transform my outlook and fully embrace plantbased nutrition while bringing my family along for the journey.

If you are interested in learning the health and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet, I encourage you to explore the online certificate program. The course is not inexpensive, but well worth it. If your budget is tight (mine is), I encourage you to apply for a scholarship. I did and was awarded a full scholarship valued at $1260 of which I’m immensely grateful. Do yourself the favor of a lifetime and take the next step on the path of health and healing.

set of farmhouse end tables

Farmhouse Style Tables (SOLD)

This set of vintage side tables are painted in Farmhouse white. The tops are stained and feature a beautiful Celtic tile stencil. They both have a large drawer for convenient storage and would make a beautiful and functional addition to any home decor. The top is 25″ square and they are 21″ tall. They can be purchased for $240 for the pair at Funky Junky located at 133 N. Lacy Dr. in Waco, TX. Grab this unique pair of end tables while you can!

Crafting a Simple Life

simplify sign in my Zazzle shop

Living intentionally isn’t always easy. Nothing is easy all of the time. It actually makes some aspects of life more difficult.

When we put away the things that don’t matter to make room for the things that do, there is so much room for misunderstandings among friends and family.

Is it worth the time and effort and potential for uncomfortable moments in personal relationships?

My answer: A resounding yes!

When I say no to an invitation to a party or a play date with the kids, I’m saying yes to spending quality time with my family.

When I sell or donate family heirlooms that were given to me by someone else who didn’t want them, I’m not saying they are not cherished. I’m simply choosing to craft an environment that is suitable for my family. We know memories do not live in things, rather they live in our minds.

When I choose to minimize my possessions, I’m saying that spending my time with the people I love is more important than managing things.

A few years ago, I began a concerted effort to rid my home of unwanted stuff. These past few months have allowed me the opportunity to declutter my schedule as well. By doing so, I have been able to embrace the creativity that has been put on hold for a quarter of a century and cultivate a simplified life. I made this sign for my Zazzle shop as a reminder to keep life simple.

Our life is frittered away by detail… simplify, simplify.

-Henry David Thoreau-


Visit my Zazzle shop!

Vegan Triple Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

#glutenfree and #vegan recipe for healthy and delicious triple chocolate cookies.  Only 5 ingredients! - thesimplehive.com

As simple as this recipe is, I can’t believe it’s so delicious!  I had to eat two just to be sure I wasn’t mistaken.  Maybe I should eat another just to be completely sure of its deliciousness.  I do what I can to ensure honest evaluations.  I’m here for you!

This recipe happened because the girls and I needed a little chocolate to push through our day.  Homeschooling can be hard, folks!

This was a perfect way to integrate life skills into our day.  The recipe is so simple, even a five-year old can do it and she did!  I have found that my little picky eater is more likely to eat the foods she helps make.  Get the kids in the kitchen and make these healthy chocolate cookies.

Continue reading “Vegan Triple Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies”

Crochet Cupcake and Flower Dishcloths

Cupcake crochet and flower dishcloths - the simple hive

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While perusing the yarn aisle at my local craft store, I happened upon a free crochet pattern for a cupcake dishcloth. The sign said “Take One”, so I did, because I always do what I’m told. Yep.

Then I got home and promptly put it away and completely forgot about it until a few weeks ago when I woke up with an excruciating pain in my foot. The first step out of bed and a severe pain in my foot told me I wasn’t going anywhere.

Because I have a difficult time not doing anything, I shuffled and crawled over to the yarn bag and came across this pattern by Twinkie Chan.  I grabbed my yarn and went to work

I think the name Twinkie Chan is partly why I decided to work up the pattern. With a name like that, surely it would be cute!

Continue reading “Crochet Cupcake and Flower Dishcloths”

a simple plan


This is the year we go back to basics.  We already live fairly simple lives as compared to many families of our size, but life gets out of control in a large spiral then gains momentum.  Before you realize, it’s string cheese for dinner as you fly out the door to youth group or 4H meetings.

This must not continue.

I’m sharing my plan for 2014 to accomplish my goals for health, homeschool, church, my home and my garden.  It was born from exasperation stemming from too many days of buzzing around in circles and accomplishing little.  I need results, people!  I thrive on them, in fact.

In sharing my thoughts, I hope to clarify the foggy areas and focus on my priorities.  Also, I feel if I don’t get some organization to my thoughts, they will make my head explode in dazzling display of glitter, rainbows and unicorns.  Oh sure, that sounds fun for you, but I wouldn’t be right after that.

So here I am.  I am hoping you will keep me focused and hold me accountable.


  • Drink plenty of water daily.  This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s so hard to remember.  I begin the day with good habits but as the day progresses, I get busy and never have a free hand to perform the physical act of holding a glass and bringing it to my lips. I need a beer hat with the flexible tube straws to hold a couple of bottles of water.  You may think I’m just saying this be funny, but I kid you not.  Don’t be surprised if you ever meet me in person, is what I’m saying.
  • Incorporate more fruits and veggies into daily diet and move away from meat-based meals. Buy organic produce when possible and grow more in the garden.  We eat healthy meals overall, but we have room for improvement.  We deal with multiple food allergies in our family so meals can become complicated when trying to feed everyone.  Over the years, I have tweaked recipes to allow for delicious and healthy meals for all.  We have a good-sized garden so with a little more effort, we can achieve this goal.
  • Cardio and strength-training workouts.  We have an old one-and-a-half story bungalow.  Before we bought our house, the upstairs had been gutted and renovations began.  We spent a couple of long, dusty days up there recently to organize it more efficiently.  I now have a sewing and crafts area and we now have a workout area for the weight bench and elliptical.  Now I have no excuse for not exercising.  I have mixed emotions about this.
  • Schedule annual check-ups for everyone early in the year.  I’m guessing most of you don’t have an issue with this like I do.  I usually put off scheduling doctor appointments until closer to the month we need them.  My thinking is that I will be better able to schedule appointments around the other chaos and obligations.  This. Never. Works.
  • Start a routine of getting the kids out for a daily walk.  We homeschool and the day can get pretty hairy in the afternoon if the kids don’t get a break from schoolwork and chores.  A short hike through our property or to the mailbox (we live in the country) will hopefully prevent them from turning into angry bees.


  • Keep ongoing records on computer for easy management and to print year-end records to be stored with work.  This is pretty straight forward, but up until now, I have been keeping handwritten records.  I know!  What was I thinking?
  • Allow for more field trips and journaling to replace textbook curriculum.  After all, I’m teaching them not just to make a living, but to make a life. We learn naturally from experiences. This might be the best thing for my little ADHD bee. She’s an eager learner when it doesn’t feel like learning.  
  • Incorporate life skills into homeschool day. Teach cooking, fiscal responsibility and time management.  We all grow up and leave the hive someday. These skills aren’t optional.
  • Weekly trips to library for movies and books.  This is me being self-indulgent.  I love the library! I could live there! They won’t let me, though.  Need a business idea?  Library/B&B.  There you go.  You’re welcome.
  • Use Spanish immersion technique to reinforce what has already been learned by my older child and to begin teaching the girls.  I’m planning on driving my family crazy with this.  When they get frustrated with me and the shouting begins, I’ll shout  back “Espanol por favor!”.  This will be fun!


  • Phase out responsibilities of youth group and Sunday school to prepare for busy school year.  I almost didn’t include this.  We currently are the youth leaders and Sunday school teachers for high school kids at our church.  These activities require planning and time in an already stretched schedule.  Many days I feel like we aren’t making a difference and anybody could take our place.  (Here is where I mentally scream and stomp and then sigh.)  God called us to do this. He led us here for a reason. So, phasing ourselves out of church responsibilities probably will not happen this year.  I think I’m ok with that.

Home & Garden

  • Improve soil in existing garden beds and maintain.  Easy peasy.  We have plenty of organic compost.  The hard part is digging it out from the bottom of our bin.
  • Create cleaning schedule and keep clutter under control. This should more accurately state Blow the dust off the cleaning schedule created last year and put it to use!
  • Regularly go through household items and donate unwanted items.  When we cleaned upstairs to make room for a workout/sewing/lounge area, we cleared out and donated several bags full of clothing and items we no longer need.  Well, we haven’t donated them yet.  They are sitting in my kitchen.  I like to think of them as frumpy fans cheering me on as I channel my inner rockstar while I cook.  I feel badly as I kick them aside to access the lower cabinets.  They understand.

Cancel newspaper subscription and Netflix.  Done and woohoo!  Man, those two innocent-looking subscriptions are a beast to control!  Unfortunately our day doesn’t allow for sipping coffee leisurely while catching up on local events.  I have to say, newspaper wrangling just isn’t for me.  As for Netflix, it became a burden to sit down and watch a movie and return it in a timely manner.  We plan to check out movies from the library.  Problem solved.

This next goal doesn’t fit in any one category above, yet it fits perfectly in all of them.

Find the funny in everything.  Humor keeps me sane by laughing hysterically and it is everywhere!  We have all heard that laughter is the best medicine, but did you know it’s also the best workout?  It’s true (in my head).  If you laugh hard enough, it’s an excellent ab workout so you don’t have to spend any time upstairs in your newly created workout room.  Two birds, one stone.

Join me in my journey of simple living. If you have any tricks up your sleeve that help keep your life simple, I would love to know.